Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Research Post - Anna Pinkas

ConditionsCondition-Used: bathroomAnna Pinkas is an artist born in Geneva, Switzerland and currently lives and works in Brooklyn, NY. She holds a BFA from the School of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, and a Master's from New York University's Interactive Telecommunication Program. According to her website, Anna uses art to express the art of collecting and how the act can seem mundane, such as in her most recent project " Condition: Used." This project uses bits and pieces of intimate spaces" to create scenes reminiscent of rooms in a home. Her project "Conditions," different from the previously mentioned "Conditions," uses simple programming conditions as part of its show. According to the description, " the piece constantly shifts between these different realms and meanings," again touching on the simplicity hiding behind seemingly mundane subjects. 
Like I mentioned, I think the artist is trying to find something in the mundane. She created two videos showing scenes from a dance studio; they feature different scenes of typical objects one might find in a dance studio. Her site makes mention of her technique of exploring themes through "series, collections, accumulation." I can't quite see it, but it might be her taking this technique to compose the final project rather than being an overt theme in her work.

If I had a criticism, it's that while she uses these scenes with a technique in mind, according to her website, I had trouble pinpointing a theme. Maybe it's my tendency to always create a solid message in the art I have created that's affecting my judgement. Ignoring that, her composition is what really caught my attention. "Conditions" was an interesting treat, if only a modest three minutes. If anything, I was interested to see if she would take these conditions and apply them to some aspect of human life. Her work has at least taught me to think outside of my usual strict themes.



  1. I love that idea of making something grand out of the mundane. I think these are great ways of accomplishing this, and I would be interested in seeing how Pinkas continues to grow.

  2. Roya Ayub
    Her work seems rather boring, there is nothing particularly interesting or compelling in her pieces and I am not quite sure how to interpret her work because of this. I find the average looking images to be somewhat interesting at the very least.
