Saturday, November 29, 2014

Research Blog - Yang Yongliang

Yang Yongliang is a Chinese artist specializing in painting, photography, and video. He was taught traditional painting, calligraphy and other art forms by a former professor at Hong Kong Chinese University. Yongliang continued to study art in the Shanghai Arts & Crafts Vocational College Visual Communication Department, then continuing his education at the China Fine Art Academy Institute. In 2005, Yongliang set up an art studio with his friends, taking on the role of Art Director. He currently works and lives in Shanghai, China.

Yongliang's work combines nature and cityscapes, similar to the already mentioned Lily & Honglei. I'm not sure if the art is about the rapid industrialization of China or finding the beauty in China's cities, but I suppose it could be taken either way.

I really enjoy his work. I actually found out about this artist through Roya during class, and I was enthralled with the detail in his work. The incredible amount of nuance in his videos was astounding, so I couldn't help but write a post about him. Upon further research, though, his work doesn't deviate from the urban sprawl/mountainous landscape. I wasn't able to find anything about his exhibitions, only interviews about his videos.



  1. I liked this artist too. You have the incredible detail and resolution of the natural world, combined with some modern elements in a way that is really interesting. I also like the way he works in black, white, and gray.

  2. This is a fascinating artist. The works can be interpreted in a myriad number of ways, anywhere from being a commentary to bouts of optimism or pessimism (depending on your perspective) or they could simply be landscapes. It's hard to tell. Either way, the work is fascinating.

  3. Very interesting. I can see some very elaborate structures being painted here, and what's amazing is how much magnitude can be conveyed with such little color.

  4. -Orin
    I couldn't quite get the videos on his site play, but some of his work is quite intriguing. I'm not all that interested in his paintings, though some of the suggestions of form are engaging. I enjoy his photograph the most, especially his, "The Moonlight" series. The way the lights dance around the steep mountain ranges is surreal.

  5. His paintings are beautiful and it's crazy that he used calligraphy to create them. He was able to create such tiny details and make the pictures so realistic.

  6. I love how you can see a clear cultural influence in his work. Further, I agree with everyone that the detail is incredible. To me, what makes this artist so incredible is the fact that the detail makes the paintings look almost three dimensional.

  7. Roya Ayub
    As he is my favorite artist, I had to comment. I think that the most amazing thing about his work overall is his growth as an artist over time. He has experimented with many different mediums and has transformed from a simple photographer to creating works like these that manipulate photographs into beautiful images with such a close attention to detail. I also love the influence of his culture on his work, I think that makes it very personal which is something I always love in an artist.
