Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Project 5 Critique

Name: Scott Farrell
Class Section: 008

- What ideas did you incorporate into the piece?
I noticed that my average involves a lot of water. For example, I often wake up, wash my face, and have a cup of coffee, so I decided to run with this theme of water. At the time of the project, I felt like I had too many things to do and not enough time to do them, so I had an idea of drowning or trying to hold one's breath. There's a heavy sigh in the beginning and one at the very end, so there's a feeling of holding one's breath, as though we need to hold our breath to get through our work day.

- Do you think the piece is successful? Why or why not?
For the most part. There's only so much you express with sound alone and I feel like the sounds of water are distinct enough to drive the point home, but the idea stands enough that someone might pick up on it.

- What skills did you learn through working on this piece? How did you employ these
skills in your work?
Learning to use Audacity for the first time. This is the first program we've used this semester that I wasn't already familiar with, so while I had no trouble learning it, I had to make time to actually figure out what I was doing.

- What challenges did you face?
I attempted to keep other people talking out of the recordings as much as possible. While there is background chatter, no distinct language can be heard.

- Did you find a suitable resolution—if yes, what? If no, what would you change?
Yes, I would say so. The background chatter indicates a public area, but there is no real conversation heard.

- What revisions would your make if you were to do the work a second time?
I'm not sure how to revise a project in order to make water sound more like water, but that's what I would do if I could.

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