Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Interview Transcript

Scott Farrell: So you’re now a world renowned artist with a pretty impressive resume of art. Around what time would you say you started focusing on art?

Wayne White: Oh, I’ve always been an artist. Before I could walk, I was drawing and making art. So I guess I’ve always focused on my art. And my mother was big into art, so she was always pushing me into my art. She was a big inspiration growing up.

SF: You grew up in Tennessee, so a certain amount of opposition is to be expected. Were there any teachers or other adults who supported your art?

WW: I had one teacher when I was in first grade, Ms. Stoddard, and she told everybody that I was destined to become a great artist, really do something. Look how right she was. But besides that, most people thought I wasn’t the all American boy. And they were right, I fought and rebelled against that kind of traditional shit.

SF: So, like many of us, college is where you really came into your own.

WW: Well, I found more people who thought like me, were really into creating and enjoying art. And we were just a bunch of kids just messing around at college. Oh man, it was great.

SF: Your style is very unique, and you incorporate a lot of humor into your art. Would you say that this is what attracted you to working for TV and the like?

WW: I fell in love with Peewee’s the moment I saw it. I was like, “I gotta work here, I gotta get in on this.” From there I just fell into all these other shows. They paid me so I was like “what crazy shit do you want me to make now?”

SF: Would you say that your focus on your word paintings came about as a result of working yourself to hell and back for TV shows, music videos, etc.?

WW: Well, that was definitely a factor. I just try to create art, to enjoy creating that art. But my kids also got me working on my paintings and spending more time at home.

SF: Quick final question – where do you see your art going from here?

WW: I’m still just creating art. If people like it or not, well, screw it, I got here because I just did what I wanted. 

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