Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Project 6 Final

Project 6 Critique

- What ideas did you incorporate into the piece?
The whole conversation taking place on Skype was an interesting concept. A lot of the ideas just came from the banter. I feel that there is a weird sense of irony with the whole thing, which I directly mention in the video. 

- Do you think the piece is successful? Why or why not?
As much as it could be. It's very direct, but it gets the point across. It wasn't what I had in mind at the beginning of the project, but I did what I could considering the circumstances. 

- What skills did you learn through working on this piece? How did you employ these
skills in your work?
I used most of the skills I already had before starting this project. I used the panning tool a bit in some instances, manipulated the volume levels, etc...

- What challenges did you face?
My hard drive failed at the last minute, so anything that hadn't already been put in the video was lost. I tried to salvage the project the best I could, but the limitations show.

- Did you find a suitable resolution—if yes, what? If no, what would you change?
I had come up with other ideas during the later stages of my project, but they had to be scrapped. Instead, I went with a blog style video with what I had. Not sure if I'm completely successful.  

- What revisions would your make if you were to do the work a second time?
I would love to have been more creative with some of the original footage, or at least my original idea. I would have loved to have been more exaggerated.